Charter of the Barony of Carolingia

We, King and Queen of the Eastern Kingdom, by right of arms and custom of the Society, by this present charter confirm and recognize that the Barony of Carolingia holds and shall hold its rights entire and its liberties uninjured; and We agree to maintain all Carolingians in their ancient liberties as written below to be had and holden by themselves and their heirs forever.


In accordance with the Corpora the Barony of Carolingia should maintain a full complement of officers. These should include a Seneschal, a Master or Mistress of Arts, a Master or Mistress of Sciences, a Knight Marshal, a Pursuivant, a Chronicler, and a Chancellor of the Exchequer. In addition the Barony recognizes the desirability of the following officers: a Dean of the University of Carolingia, a Master or Mistress of the Lists, a Master or Mistress of Equeries, an Historian, a Master or Mistress of Jongleurs, a Baronial Secretary, a Master or Mistress of the Golden Key, and such other Officers or -pro tem- assistant Seneschals as the Seneschal may find appropriate to appoint. Each Officer should have a seat on the Great Council of Carolingia, and each Assistant Seneschal should have a seat on the Council for the duration of his or her term of activity.

Appointment and Removal of Officers

The Seneschal of the Barony shall be appointed according to the Corpora and should be acclaimed and accepted by the Barony. Unless otherwise provided by the Corpora or the laws of the Eastern Kingdom, all other Officers will be appointed by the Baronial Seneschal with the advice of the Great Council of Carolingia. In any case, all Baronial Officers must have the recommendation or approval of the Barony Seneschal advised by the Council. If the Baronial Seneschal and a Kingdom Officer do not agree on a suitable candidate for a Baronial Office, the Baronial Seneschal may request the Crown to arbitrate the dispute. The process for the removal of any Officer will correspond to the process of appointment for that Officer. A Seneschal who has lost the support of the Council and of the Barony is expected to resign.

Duties of Officers

A Baronial Officer's first obligation is to the Barony and only the Baronial Seneschal or the Autocrat of the event may interfere with the execution of an Officer's duties and responsibilities without just cause and formal complaint. However during any Kingdom-sponsored event held in the Barony, the Baronial Representative of the College of Heralds and of the Marshalate should cede the responsibility of his or her office to the corresponding superior Kingdom Officer if that Kingdom Officer is present and desires to perform the duties of the office. The Baronial Seneschal should be accessible to Members of the Council, Autocrats, and Kingdom Officers such as make themselves accessible to the Seneschal. It is recommended that the Baronial Seneschal should maintain a farspeaker.


A Household within the Barony that fulfills the requirements for a chartered Household as defined in the Laws of Jehan should receive a charter from the Barony. Each Barony-chartered Household should have a seat on the Great Council of Carolingia. The Household's representative to the Great Council shall be selected from among themselves by those Household members resident in Carolingia.


A Guild which has at least four members, has been active for at least six months, and has shown the merit of its art or craft to the populace of the Barony should receive a charter from the Barony; which charter should state the aims, standards, and structure of the Guild. The Guildmaster or Guildmistress [or the representative thereof] of each Barony-chartered Guild should have a seat on the Great Council of Carolingia.


An academic community which has received recognition from the institution at which it is based and which shows promise of active participation in Baronial activities should receive a Borough Charter from the Barony and should thereby be entitled to a seat on the Great Council of Carolingia.


A Canton of Carolingia which is recognized by the Eastern Kingdom is entitled to a seat on Great Council of Carolingia. Each Canton is entitled to aid and protection of the Barony as specified in the Corpora.

The Great Council of Carolingia

The Great Council should meet at the pleasure of the Baronial Seneschal at least four times a year and must be attended by the Seneschal or by the Seneschal's duly appointed representative. The Seneschal should endeavor to give two weeks' advance notice of Council meetings to all Members. The Council will be expected to advise the Baronial Seneschal on all affairs of the Barony, especially the setting of the calendar of events and the appointment of Autocrats, if time permits.


In preparing for an event, an Autocrat is expected to consult regularly with the Baronial Seneschal and appropriate Members of the Great Council. The Autocrat is responsible for planning all aspects of an event and for appropriate publicity for the event. The Autocrat will have final say in all details of how an event is arranged. The Autocrat may, however, be replaced by the Baronial Seneschal, should the Seneschal determine that the event intended by the Autocrat would in all likelihood prove detrimental to the finances or reputation of the Barony. All cases of removal or resignation of an autocrat will be subject to review at the next meeting of the Great Council; the Autocrat will be entitled to attend that meeting and to speak on his own behalf.

In counsideration of Our Grace in signing this charter, reaffirming Carolingia's rights and government as herein stated, the Barony of Carolingia pledges to the Crown of the Eastern Kingdom support in time of war, hospitality to Us at all times, and amenability to Our reasonable commands. For the benefit and education of Our subjects, the University of Carolingia will remain open to all inhabitants of Our realm on the same terms as it is open to Carolingians, and further, the Barony of Carolingia will present to each King of this realm, at His Coronation a rose for His Queen as evidence of Carolingia's respect for courtesy and gentle arts.


Cariadoc Rex
Diana Alene Regina

given at their coronation, 19 October AS 9, 1974 CE

Statute 1



According to the Corpora, Volume IV, Entry 1, page 5 (which amends Volume II, Entry 5), the position of Vicar exists as follows:

If a territorial Baron travels extensively, or if for some other reason will be temporarily absent, he must appoint a Vicar, with the approval of the King. If he does not do so, the King, advised by the Seneschal of the Barony in question, may appoint a Vicar for him (this procedure to be followed in the case of the Vicar resigning, etc., also). The Vicar shall exercise the duties and privileges [of a Baron] and fly the Baronial banner in front of his pavillion.

The duties and privileges of a Baron are described in the corpora, Volume II, Entry 5, Section 2:c, page 15:

The territorial Baron shall have the option of presiding over Baronial events. He may make such awards as the King specifically delegates (such permission having to be renewed by each new King), or establish awards which shall be specific to his Barony. Since the duties of the Baron are ceremonial only, he shall not be assigned, neither shall he take upon himself, any governmental duties in his character as Baron. He may hold any Society office for which he is fitted, but he must not in that case allow his duties and/or privileges as Baron to influence or interfere with his performance of his duties as an officer.

Statute 1.

WHEREAS the Baron of Carolingia, John of Ileway, Companion of the Pelican (to whom a great debt is owed for his outstanding service in the development of this Barony), has been absent from the activities of this Barony for more than a year and a day,

BUT WHEREAS this Council has no positive indication that his absence is to be permanent,

AND WHEREAS he has not appointed a Vicar to serve in his stead,

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that this Barony shall seek a Vicar and that the Seneschal's recommendation for this Vicar (and subsequent Vicars) be determined in the following manner:

I. Nominations

Any member of the Great Council of Carolingia may make a nomination (or nominations) for the position of Vicar of Carolingia.

II. Nominees

A nominee may be any person who states to the Council in person or in writing his or her willingness to serve as Vicar, with the exception stated in section V.D. below. Any current member of the Great Council who accepts nomination must be willing to delegate his/her authority during his/her term as Vicar as stated in section V.C. below.

III. Discussion

After nominations are closed there will be a brief period of discussion in open council. This will be followed by additional discussion in closed council if any member of the council so requests. Periods of discussion shall be limited by the time available as determined by the Seneschal.

IV. Method of Election

A. Except for the Seneschalate each office represented on the Council (i.e., officers and representatives of households, guilds, boroughs, and cantons) shall have one vote each. A person who is a member of the Council in more than one capacity shall have one vote for each position s/he holds (with the exception of the Seneschalate, as stated above). A person who holds a written proxy from a member of the Council shall be permitted to cast a vote or votes as specified in the proxy.

B. The votes shall be cast by secret ballot.

C. The Vicar shall be elected by simple majority of votes cast. If no one nominee obtains this majority on the first ballot, the votes will be entirely recast between the two nominees who have received the most votes on the first ballot.

D. If a tie vote occurs either on a preliminary or on a final ballot, the Seneschal shall then cast the deciding vote.

V. Term of Service

A. A Vicar should be invested with the keeping of the Baronial Banner by the current Vicar or by the Seneschal at an official Baronial event.

B. The term of service shall be as near to six months as is practical, given the schedule of Barony events. However, the term of service of the first Vicar will be four months.

C. Any member of the Seneschalate who becomes Vicar must delegate the authority of his/her office to another person for the duration of his/her term as Vicar. The position Vicar is not entitled to a seat on the Great Council.

D. A Vicar who serves a full term or more than three months of a term cannot be nominated or elected to serve the term immediately following.

E. If a Vicar resigns before his/her term is completed, the Council will meet as soon as possible to determine a successor to complete the term of service. Any such successor who will have served less than three months in this manner is eligible for nomination as Vicar for the following term.

VI. Alternate titles

An elected Vicar may adopt an alternate title provided that the title is approved by Council as more-or-less consistent with rank and function as specified above and is not specifically reserved by the Corpora.

Note: The first Vicar adopted the title of Gonfaloniere. The "Gonfaloniere of Justice" was a fourteenth century Florentine position determined by election among members of the Florentine Council, which was composed of the representatives of the major guilds of the city; the Gonfaloniere of Justice served a six-month term.

Passed unanimously in Council, October AS 10 (1975 CE); amended 21 June AS 12 ((1977 CE).

Statute 2


I. Purpose of the award

The Order of the Daystar is given in to honor continued excellence in service over an extended period of time, of which service in the Barony of Carolingia in the Eastern Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. is the primary beneficiary. All inhabitants of the Knowne World are eligible for this order, provided only that their services have been of especial benefit to the Barony of Carolingia. The award is therefore not redundant to the recipient of a similar kingdom order, but implies a different geographical center of activity.

II. Presentation

The Order of the Daystar is granted by the Baron or Baroness of Carolingia, or their Vicar, after making a fair attempt to consult with all locally active Companions of the Order and with the Seneschal or the Seneschal's representative. The Principal of the Order must be informed of the result and of the Baron, Baroness, or Vicar's decision. A candidate must be informed of the responsibilities and privileges of the Order as set down in this statute and may not be inducted into the Order without the candidate's prior consent. The person intending to present the award may discuss with candidates the Order and the procedure by which they were nominated.

III. Responsibilities

A. Companions of the Order accept the responsibility of upholding the highest standards of service in the Barony. They should continue to serve the interests of the Barony, whenever possible, and to encourage and instruct others to serve as well. They are to bring to the attention of the Baron, Baroness, or Vicar others who deserve to be recognized for their contributions, whether meriting the Order of the Daystar or some other honor.

B. Companions of the Order should hold at least two meetings annually, at one of which the Principal for the coming year shall be elected by acclamation. Discussion of new candidates for the Order may be held at these times.

C. Companions should keep the Baron, Baroness, or Vicar informed of their current addresses so that they can be easily reached for consultation.

IV. Privileges

A. Companions of the Order shall have the exclusive right to wear the insignia registered as the badge of the Order of the Daystar.

B. They have the privilege of enquiring of the Baron, Baroness, or Vicar who has been proposed for Companionship in the Order and advising on those persons' qualifications for the Order.

C. The Order shall be represented in the Great Council of Carolingia. The seat shall be held by the Principal of the Order or the Principal's representative.

D. The Order may undertake various projects for the well-being of the Barony and may dispose of any revenues accrued from these projects as the Companions of the Order see fit.

V. Insignia

The insignia of the Order of the Daystar shall be: azure, a pall wavy between three suns in splendor or. Medallions bearing the insignia are to be awarded by the Baron, Baroness, or Vicar. The medallions are to be provided by the Baron, Baroness, Vicar, or the Companions of the Order.

Approved by the Great Council of Carolingia, 25 May AS 12 (1977 CE)
Amended, 14 March AS 17 (1983 CE)
Amended, 4 March AS 25 (1991 CE)

Statute 3


I. Purpose of the award

The Order of the Moon is given in recognition of achievements in the arts which further the progress of those arts in the Barony of Carolingia in the Eastern Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. It is given to honor not excellence alone, but achievement combined with teaching or other dissemination of the arts such that a considerable impact has been made, and the place of those arts is secure within the Barony. All inhabitants of the Knowne World are eligible for this order, provided only that their services have been of especial benefit to the Barony of Carolingia. The award is therefore not redundant to the recipient of a similar kingdom order, but implies a different geographical center of activity.

II. Presentation

The Order of the Moon is granted by the Baron or Baroness of Carolingia, or their Vicar, after making a fair attempt to consult with all locally active Companions of the Order and with the Seneschal or the Seneschal's representative. The Principal of the Order must be informed of the result and of the Baron, Baroness, or Vicar's decision. A candidate must be informed of the responsibilities and privileges of the Order as set down in this statute and may not be inducted into the Order without the candidate's prior consent. The person intending to present the award may discuss with candidates the Order and the procedure by which they were nominated.

III. Responsibilities

A. Companions of the Order accept the responsibility of upholding the highest standards of the arts in the Barony. They should continue, whenever possible, to practice and instruct in those arts in which they have shown their skill and talent. They are to bring to the attention of the Baron, Baroness, or Vicar others who deserve to be recognized for their contributions, whether meriting the Order of the Moon or some other honor. All members should be willing to advise the Baronial Minister of Arts concerning their fields of expertise.

B. Companions of the Order should hold at least two meetings annually, at one of which the Principal for the coming year shall be elected by acclamation. Discussion of new candidates for the Order may be held at these times.

C. Companions should keep the Baron, Baroness, or Vicar informed of their current addresses so that they can be easily reached for consultation.

IV. Privileges

A. Companions of the Order shall have the exclusive right to wear the insignia registered as the badge of the Order of the Moon.

B. They have the privilege of enquiring of the Baron, Baroness, or Vicar who has been proposed for Companionship in the Order and advising on those persons' qualifications for the Order.

C. The Order shall be represented in the Great Council of Carolingia. The seat shall be held by the Principal of the Order or the Principal's representative.

D. The Order may undertake various projects for the well-being of the Barony and may dispose of any revenues accrued from these projects as the Companions of the Order see fit.

V. Insignia

The insignia of the Order of the Moon shall be: azure, a pall wavy or between three moons in plenitude argent. Medallions bearing the insignia are to be awarded by the Baron, Baroness, or Vicar. The medallions are to be provided by the Baron, Baroness, Vicar, or the Companions of the Order.

Approved by the Great Council of Carolingia, 25 May AS 12 (1977 CE)
Amended, 14 March AS 17 (1983 CE)
Amended, 4 March AS 25 (1991 CE)

Statute 4


I. Purpose of the award

The Order of Perseus is given in recognition of achievements in the martial arts which further the progress of those arts in the Barony of Carolingia in the Eastern Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. It is given to honor not prowess alone, but achievement combined with teaching or other dissemination of those arts such that the overall level of the safe and courteous practice of those arts within the Barony has been raised. All inhabitants of the Knowne World are eligible for this order, provided only that their services have been of especial benefit to the Barony of Carolingia. The award is therefore not redundant to the recipient of a similar kingdom order, but implies a different geographical center of activity.

II. Presentation

The Order of Perseus is granted by the Baron or Baroness of Carolingia, or their Vicar, after making a fair attempt to consult with all locally active Companions of the Order and with the Seneschal or the Seneschal's representative. The Principal of the Order must be informed of the result and of the Baron, Baroness, or Vicar's decision. A candidate must be informed of the responsibilities and privileges of the Order as set down in this statute and may not be inducted into the Order without the candidate's prior consent. The person intending to present the award may discuss with candidates the Order and the procedure by which they were nominated.

The initial Companions of the Order shall be chosen jointly by the Baron and Baroness after consultation with some members of the Barony, including the Seneschal and the Principals of the existing Orders.

III. Responsibilities

A. Companions of the Order accept the responsibility of upholding the highest standards of the martial arts in the Barony. They should continue, whenever possible, to practice and instruct in those martial arts in which they have shown their skill and talent. They are to bring to the attention of the Baron, Baroness, or Vicar others who deserve to be recognized for their contributions, whether meriting the Order of Perseus or some other honor.

B. Companions of the Order should hold at least two meetings annually, at one of which the Principal for the coming year shall be elected by acclamation. Discussion of new candidates for the Order may be held at these times.

C. Companions should keep the Baron, Baroness, or Vicar informed of their current addresses so that they can be easily reached for consultation.

IV. Privileges

A. Companions of the Order shall have the exclusive right to wear the insignia registered as the badge of the Order of Perseus.

B. They have the privilege of enquiring of the Baron, Baroness, or Vicar who has been proposed for Companionship in the Order and advising on those persons' qualifications for the Order.

C. The Order shall be represented in the Great Council of Carolingia. The seat shall be held by the Principal of the Order or the Principal's representative.

D. The Order may undertake various projects for the well-being of the Barony and may dispose of any revenues accrued from these projects as the Companions of the Order see fit.

V. Insignia

The insignia of the Order of Perseus shall be: azure, semy of estoiles, a pall wavy or. Medallions bearing the insignia are to be awarded by the Baron, Baroness, or Vicar. The medallions are to be provided by the Baron, Baroness, Vicar, or the Companions of the Order.

Approved by the Great Council of Carolingia 3 March AS 24 (1990 CE)
Amended, 4 March AS 25 (1991 CE)

Statute 5


The endowment is intended to aid and further projects which we believe will generally benefit the state of knowledge of the Arts and Sciences within these Current Middle Ages, by providing funds to help defray the costs of materials necessary for research, or of production or publication of the results of research.

Carolingian baronial funds are to be allocated to the endowment by decision of the Great Council of Carolingia, and at such time the committee administering the endowment will account for the last baronial allocation. (It is understood that some of the money will have to go toward operating expenses.)

The endowment's money will be distributed according to the consensus of the committee -- which will be made up of the Baron and Baroness of Carolingia and the baronial seneschal, exchequer, and the minister or ministers of arts and sciences -- acting with the advice of any experts they may seek out as knowledgeable in the subject of the proposed project. Anyone wishing to receive support from the endowment should submit a brief written proposal to the seneschal by mail. This proposal should include a description of the project and the field of research, a projected budget (including some idea of how much they hope we'll give them), and a general time-table. The committee will deal with these proposals as expeditiously as possible, and will always provide explanations for their decisions in their reply.

We realize that many projects will use up money without making any. This factor will -not- be considered in the original decision to grant money. Equal consideration will be given to all, of whatever branch or kingdom, of whatever level of experience, no matter how much they're asking for -- so long as it generally benefits the state of the Arts and Sciences in the Society for Creative Anachronism. (It should be understood that the finances of the endowment will be limited, and that at any given time we may simply be unable to support a clearly worthwhile project.)

Accepted by the Great Council of Carolingia as Baronial policy, 9 August AS 17 (1982 CE)
Approved by Council as a statute, 6 May AS 26 (1991 CE)