Mabbe atte Eye
02/18/2012 Award of Arms
Macha MacArthur
07/22/2000 Companion of the Tygers Cub
*Macha ni Phadraiga
07/02/1983 Award of Arms
Macha the Phoenix
06/15/2002 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Roxane)
Macha Rotislav
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
Macha of Wyspering Wude
04/12/2003 Award of Arms
Macken of Mordshoard
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
MacSeamus o'Eamonn
08/19/1993 Award of Arms
08/13/2006 Companion of the Sable Martlet (Iron Bog)
09/07/2011 Companion of the Sable Martlet (Iron Bog)
08/07/2011 Barnoness's Silver Ring (Iron Bog)
*Macsen Felinfoel
06/16/2001 Master of the Laurel
11/19/1994 Companion of the Manche
11/11/1995 Companion of the Sagittarius
02/01/2003 Companion of the Silver Crescent
11/22/1986 Award of Arms
10/03/2009 Companion of the Troubadour
*Macsen ap Rhys of Wyvern Hall
06/13/1992 Award of Arms
Madalena da Vignovo
03/26/2005 Golden Tyger
Maddamee of Poland
09/13/2008 Award of Arms
*Maddalena Salutati
01/13/2001 Companion of the Manche
Madeline Olafsdottir
04/08/2000 Court Baroness
*Madelyn Catherwood
11/27/1993 Companion of the Silver Crescent
11/03/1990 Award of Arms
01/13/1991 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
06/28/1992 Companion of the Iceburg (Ruantallan)
Madhbh inghean Bdaire
04/01/2006 Award of Arms
Madog Bathier
10/01/1994 Award of Arms
Madog ap Caradog
11/22/2008 Award of Arms
*Madog Tellier
07/11/1998 Award of Arms
Maebhe Mac Carthaigh
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
Maegeathe Artema Leonides
05/12/1984 Award of Arms
03/08/1996 Companion of the White Oak (BBM)
Maegwyn the Profane
12/03/1988 Award of Arms
Mael Eoin MacEochidh
12/03/012 Companion of the Silver Crescent
09/09/2006 Award of Arms
09/25/2010 King's esteem of merit
08/04/2008 Companion of the Seadog (Ostgardr)
09/08/2011 Order of the Horse (Bhakail)
*Maeldune von Drachenzahne
04/07/1979 Award of Arms
*Maelpadraig MacConmara
07/08/1995 Award of Arms
Maelwyn Silvermoon
01/09/1988 Award of Arms
*Maerwen Aelfscinu
07/15/1989 Award of Arms
Maeryk the Rogue
04/28/2001 Award of Arms
*Maeve of Abbeydorney
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
02/16/2002 Companion of the Seadog (Ostgardr)
Maeve of Malagentia
07/18/1992 Award of Arms
*Maeve Mayfair
11/12/1994 Award of Arms
Maeve of Panther Vale
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
Maeve the Seer
11/01/1986 Award of Arms
Maeve of York
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
Mafety Magas
01/15/2000 Award of Arms
Magdalena del Acqs
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
*Magdalena Gdanska
04/28/2007 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Queen's Honor of Distinction
*Magdalena Geertruidis van den Oost
11/11/1989 Companion of the Silver Crescent
07/18/1987 Award of Arms
Magdalena Kestrel
06/24/1995 Grant of Arms (Atlantia)
01/18/1997 Court Baroness (Atlantia)
01/22/1994 Award of Arms (Atlantia)
*Magdalena von Kirschberg
08/16/2004 Award of Arms
Magdalena Kurriene des Todes Fahlien
07/19/2008 Award of Arms
Magdalena Landtfahrerin called the ungrateful Child - AKA
Magdelena die Zugvogelerin
09/12/2009 Award of Arms
xx/xx/xxxx Order of the Fish (Carillion)
Magdalena van der Brugghe
07/24/1999 Award of Arms
*Magdalena von Regensburg
07/15/2006 Companion of the Manche
06/10/2007 Companion of the Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Magdalena Winter
10/06/2007 Companion of the Silver Crescent
12/16/2000 Award of Arms
03/29/2003 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
04/12/2008 Queen's Cypher (Gabriella)
10/03/2009 Queen's Cypher (Gabriella II)
11/11/2006 Companion of the Silver Martlet (Iron Bog)
Magdalene of the Unicorn
10/14/1978 Award of Arms
10/14/1978 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
Maggdalena of Fennbrycg
05/02/1992 Award of Arms
Maggie Basketmaker, see *Margarita
Maggie MacPherson
05/30/2004 Companion of the Bronze Tower (Settmour
Maggie Morlys
01/13/1996 Award of Arms
Maggie O'Sullivan
07/23/2005 Award of Arms
Maghnus an Doire mac Tuathail
06/28/2008 Award of Arms
Magnus Morte
10/20/2012 Companion of the Fusion (Stonemarche)
Marcus Atheniou
02/11/2012 Order of the Salmanders Tear (Bhakail)
Marcus of Bergental
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
*Marcus Blödax
03/16/1985 Knight
01/29/1983 Companion of the Tygers Combattant
01/21/1989 Companion of the Silver Crescent
10/03/1992 Court Baron
07/03/1982 Award of Arms
Marcus fra Iorvik
06/25/2011 Award of Arms
Marcus hvalmagi called us the Stout
11/05/2011 Award of Arms
Marcus of House Bedford
03/09/1991 Award of Arms
Marcus Lucius Casius (us Casius Lucius)
08/17/2005 Master of the Laurel
06/14/2003 Companion of the Manche
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
Marcus the Oarman
03/03/1990 Award of Arms
Marcus Sigurdsson
04/22/2006 Award of Arms
Marcus Sverre Haakonson de Londres
12/09/2000 Award of Arms
*Marcus Wolfhunte
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
Marek Casimir of Kracow
02/18/2012 Award of Arms
Magnus Kowarsky
02/04/2012 Award of Arms
Mahalia Elizabeth Winthrop
10/14/1989 Award of Arms
Mahmoun of Beyond the Mountain
08/08/2007 Award of Arms
Mahr of Concordia
12/06/2006 Companion of the Friends (Concordia)
Maida Bebbington
06/12/2004 Award of Arms
Maighread ni Loingsigh
09/15/2007 Award of Arms
??/??/???? Companion of the Tygers Cub
Maire Archer
07/10/2010 Award of Arms
Maire inghean ui Mheardha (also known as Meara of Havre des Glaces AKA Maera)
02/09/2002 Award of Arms
01/20/2007 Companion of the Terpsichore
03/26/2011 Ordre de Mai (Havre des Glaces)
??/??/2008 Order du Lys d'argent (Havres des Glaces)
??/??/2006 Chiffre du Baron (Havre des Glaces)
06/09/2012 Chiffre du Baron (Havre des Glaces)
*Maire ni Sheaghdha
03/23/2002 Award of Arms
*Maire nic Ardhghail
03/20/1999 Award of Arms
*Mairéad of Dairbhre
07/25/1992 Award of Arms
Mairghread Ghearr - aka Mairghread of Carillion
0121/2012 Companion of the Silver Crescent
05/09/2009 Award of Arms
08/??/2009 Sable Bell (Carillion)
04/21/2012 Order of the Light of Carillion
xx/xx/xxxx Order of the Horse's Head (Carillion)
xx/xx/xxxx Order of the Fish (Carillion)
Mairghread MacCuinnegain
09/19/1987 Award of Arms
*Mairghread NicNeachdainn (“Devon”)
06/08/2002 Companion of the Manche
07/15/1995 Award of Arms
*Mairghread of Ryvel
07/20/1991 Award of Arms
10/09/1993 Queen's Order of Courtesy
*Mairgret of Carrigart
01/13/2001 Mistress of the Pelican
11/09/1991 Baroness of An Dubhaigeainn
11/09/1991 Companion of the Silver Crescent
05/02/1998 Companion of the Manche
01/26/2002 Court Baroness
05/21/1988 Award of Arms
10/06/1990 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
10/03/1998 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
05/13/2000 Queen's Order of Courtesy
04/13/2003 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Isabella II)
Mairi Crauford O’Morain
08/29/1998 Award of Arms
*Màiri inghean mhic an Toisich
11/14/1998 Award of Arms
*Màiri ni Raghallaigh
08/19/1995 Grant of Arms
04/25/1992 Companion of the Manche
10/09/1993 Companion of the Silver Crescent
08/19/1995 Court Baroness
10/21/1989 Award of Arms
04/??/1989 Companion of the Troubadours
08/16/1996 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
10/03/1998 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
08/16/1996 Companion of the Purple Fret (Middle)
*Mairi Rhianna nam Beanntan
10/03/1981 Founding Baroness Mountain Freehold
02/06/1982 Companion of the Silver Crescent
10/11/1986 Companion of the Manche
01/05/1980 Award of Arms
Mairi of Ruantallan
10/01/1988 Award of Arms
Mairwen ferch Morien
02/02/2002 Award of Arms
Malachi Olthursson Veasslurd
02/11/1989 Companion of the Silver Crescent
04/05/1986 Award of Arms
Malagrog Badgeron Veasslurd
02/11/1989 Award of Arms
*Malcolm Bowman
02/27/2010 Grant of Arms
01/27/2001 Companion of the Silver Crescent
01/14/2006 Companion of the Golden Rapier
11/08/1997 Award of Arms (AEthelmearc)
01/25/2003 Queen's Order of Courtesy
03/20/2004 Companion of the Bronze Tower (Settmour Swamp)
05/29/2005 Companion of the Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
09/11/2004 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Geneviere)
04/12/2008 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Gabriella)
10/03/2009 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Gabriella II)
04/10/2010 Queen's Cypher (Brenwen II)
Malcolm Leslie
07/21/2007 Award of Arms
Malcolm Molesworth
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
*Malcolm Og MacDonald
08/16/1989 Award of Arms
*Malcolum de Bruis
06/21/2003 Award of Arms
Malise Braigh Laird
01/28/2006 Award of Arms
Maliusha Kralika Zhera
03/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Malkin Grey
12/03/1983 Mistress of the Pelican (Atlantia?)
12/03/1983 Grant of Arms
10/09/1982 Companion of the Golden Dolphin (Atlantia)
01/08/1983 Companion of the Pearl (Atlantia)
04/01/1978 Award of Arms
01/05/1980 Companion of the Troubadors
??/??/?? Companion of the Salamander (Bhakail)
*Malkyn of Glenhaven
05/11/1985 Award of Arms
*Maluk ibn Maymun
01/??/1984 Companion of the Bronze Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Manawidd of Myrrdinstor
07/12/1986 Award of Arms
*Manfred Albrecht von Halsstern
03/16/1985 Knight
06/21/2003 Master of the Pelican
12/04/1982 Companion of the Tygers Combattant
10/06/1990 Court Baron
11/19/2005 Companion of the Silver Crescent
07/03/1982 Award of Arms
01/29/1983 Queen's Order of Courtesy
09/14/2002 King's Order of Excellence
11/05/2005 Valiant Tyger
04/23/1983 Queen’s Cypher (Wanda)
09/27/2003 King's Cypher (Darius II)
03/25/2006 King's Cypher (Darius III)
Manfred of Ruantallan
07/15/2006 Award of Arms
Manuel de Mierkolas de la Rosa Botella de Mierkoles
08/12/2010 Award of Arms
*Manus O'Kean
08/17/2006 Queen's Honor of Distinction
Mappindren Farengorn
05/27/1989 Award of Arms
Mar Kottr
11/11/2006 Award of Arms
Mar Sondernthuys
04/04/1998 Award of Arms
Mara Roche
12/11/1982 Award of Arms
*Mara Teodora Kolarova
10/08/1983 Countess
10/08/1983 Lady of the Rose
09/24/1994 Mistress of the Laurel
10/20/1984 Companion of the Manche
02/10/1979 Award of Arms
10/06/1979 Companion of Terpsichore
05/03/1980 Companion of the Moon (Carolingia)
11/04/1989 Companion of the Daystar (Carolingia)
Mara Wischart
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
*Marared Llangarron
07/17/1999 Companion of the Silver Crescent
05/18/1996 Award of Arms
01/16/1999 Queen's Order of Courtesy
*Marcel d’Armand
09/12/1998 Award of Arms
*Marcele de Montsegur
01/03/2004 Mistress of the Laurel
06/15/2002 Companion of the Manche
07/22/2000 Award of Arms
Marcella Neyn Gylys
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
Marcellus Flavius Corinium
05/25/2002 Award of Arms
Marcellus McDowell
01/25/1992 Award of Arms
*Marco Massimi
06/22/1985 Award of Arms
*Marco Palladio di Soncino
12/14/1991 Award of Arms
07/15/1995 Companion of the Tygers Cub
Marcus of An Dubhaigeainn
11/22/2003 Companion of the Tygers Cub
*Marcus Atheniou
10/09/2004 Award of Arms
12/15/2007 Order of the Horse (Bhakail)
*Marcus Blackaert
07/14/2012 Order of the Chivalry
01/29/2011 Companion of the Tyger's Combattant
10/28/2000 Award of Arms
05/05/2012 Admiral of the Armines
04/02/2011 Queen's Cypher (Aikaterine II)
Marcus del Cancello Rosso (Marcus Redgate)
04/18/2009 Award of Arms
Marcus Chandernos
11/27/2004 Award of Arms
Marcus de Londres
05/02/1998 Award of Arms
*Marcus mac Pharláin
09/13/2008 Award of Arms
*Marcus d'Orleans
05/19/2001 Award of Arms
Marcus Tarius Maximus
09/18/2010 Award of Arms
Marea Veronica d'Estoile of Rosewood
08/10/2011 Grant of Arms
05/26/1985 Award of Arms
08/10/2011 Court Barony
Mared Caradwen ap Penllyn
11/20/1999 Award of Arms
Marek O'Brien
07/14/2007 Companion of the Tygers Combattant
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
??/??/2008 Order Meriti Martialis (Havres des Glaces)
??/??/2005 Chiffre du Baron (Havre des Glaces)
Marelaine Caerlerist
02/09/1985 Order of the Sable Bell (Carillion)
Margaret Beauchamp du Monde
12/10/2005 Award of Arms
*Margaret Elizabeth Peyton de Lascaux
11/07/1987 Award of Arms
Margaret Gresham
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
*Margaret of Highbridge
04/12/2008 Award of Arms
*Margaret Holmwood
09/18/1999 Companion of the Manche
03/02/1996 Award of Arms
12/19/1998 Companion of the Daystar (Carolingia)
Margaret Lucienne d'Ischie
01/13/2001 Award of Arms
Margaret of Lochleven
09/25/2010 Grant of Arms
05/26/2007 Award of Arms
09/29/2007 Queen's Cypher (Aikaterine)
09/29/2010 Court Barony
04/02/2011 Queen's Cypher (Aikaterine II)
Margaret de Mey
01/29/2005 Award of Arms
*Margaret of Rochester
10/08/2012 Grant of Arms
07/10/2010 Companion of the Silver Crescent
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
10/08/2012 Court Barony
*Margaret the Rueful of Pevensey
04/01/1995 Companion of the Manche
01/04/1992 Award of Arms
12/05/1992 Companion of the Salamander (Bhakail)
Margaret of Rusted Woodlands
09/26/1998 Award of Arms
Margaret Twygge of Skye Hill
05/06/2006 Companion of the Silver Crescent
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
11/26/2005 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Roxane III)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Jana IV)
11/28/2009 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Brenwen II)
*Margarete of Stirlingshire
01/13/2001 Mistress of the Pelican
10/10/1998 Companion of the Dragon's Heart (Middle)
05/04/1996 Award of the Purple Fret (Middle)
10/31/1987 Award of Arms (Outlands)
04/30/1990 Award of the Scorpion of al-Barran (Outlands)
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
Margarethe von Haewengraes
01/07/1984 Award of Arms
*Margarita Alegria Gonzalvo
10/09/1993 Award of Arms
Margarita Ivanovna Novgorodetsa
08/10/2010 Companion of the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Margarita Kofinopoia
(called Maggie Basketmaker)
01/31/2004 Mistress of the Pelican
03/24/2001 Companion of the Silver Crescent
02/03/2001 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
05/24/2003 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Roxane II)
*Margery Coulano de Tracey of Toddington
02/01/1997 Mistress of the Laurel
12/09/1989 Companion of the Silver Crescent
04/06/1991 Companion of the Manche
04/04/1992 Court Baroness
04/11/1987 Award of Arms
09/24/1994 Queen’s Order of Courtesy
04/12/1986 Companion of the White Oak (BBM)
04/13/1996 Queen’s Cypher (Luna)
*Margita z Oponice
02/22/1986 Award of Arms
Margot von Ramstein
12/03/1988 Award of Arms
*Margreta Oaksbane
10/07/1984 Award of Arms
*Marguérite de Bordeaux
10/01/1994 Award of Arms
Marguerite Bouvier
07/05/2003 Award of Arms
*Marguerite Chartier
07/22/1995 Award of Arms
Marguerite de Gui
09/18/2010 Award of Arms
Marguerite von Elfenau
01/31/2009 Award of Arms
*Marguerite la Folle
10/11/1975 Award of Arms
08/22/1981 Companion of the Pillar (Bridge)
Marguerite de Fougère
05/08/1999 Award of Arms
Marguerite ingen Lachlainn
(aka Meggie inghean Lachlainn)
09/25/2010 Countess
09/25/2010 Lady of the Rose
10/27/2001 Award of Arms
08/17/2001 Queen's order of Distenction (Olivia)
07/14/2007 Queen's Order of Courtesy
09/29/2007 Queen's Cypher (Aikaterine)
04/02/2011 King's Cypher (AikaterineII)
*Marguerite de Saint Nazaire
09/30/2006 Grant of Arms
09/29/2007 Court Baroness
05/05/2001 Award of Arms
01/14/2006 Queen's Order of Courtesy
11/08/2003 Companion of the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
Marhalt of Aranmor
11/05/2011 Award of Arms
*Mari Anna deLacey (called "Blackheart", was:
Marianna Blackheart de Lacey)
10/11/2003 Companion of the Silver Crescent
09/21/1996 Award of Arms
05/10/1998 Companion of the Sable Bell (Carillion)
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Jana IV)
xx/xx/xxxx Order of the Fish (Carillion)
*Maria Alegreza Nicoletti
06/21/2003 Award of Arms
*Maria Allesandra delle Tre Torri Alte
02/22/1986 Award of Arms
09/21/1986 Companion of the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Maria Beatrice del Mare
06/08/2002 Companion of the Manche
08/??/1996 Award of Arms
*Maria of Oxenford
04/19/1980 Award of Arms
Maria Elisabeta Gonzaga
09/22/2001 Companion of the Manche
01/25/1997 Award of Arms
04/27/2003 Companion of the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Maria Erika von Ossenheim
02/10/2001 Companion of the Silver Crescent
04/25/1992 Award of Arms
06/27/1987 Companion of the Tygers Cub
09/19/1998 Companion of the Troubadour
*Maria de Miranda
07/11/1998 Award of Arms
11/02/1996 Companion of the White Oak (BBM)
Marian Kirkpatrick
09/15/2012 Award of Arms
Marian of Ruantallan
11/26/2011 Award of Arms
*Maria von Morgenrote (“Malice”)
02/21/1987 Companion of the Manche
12/12/1981 Award of Arms
03/16/1984 Companion of the Daystar (Carolingia)
12/13/1986 Companion of the Moon (Carolingia)
*Maria Pagani
06/14/2003 Baroness of Stonemarche
06/14/2003 Grant of Arms
01/29/2005 Companion of the Silver Crescent
07/12/1997 Award of Arms
09/02/2000 Companion of the Millstone (Stonemarche)
09/30/2006 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Anna II)
01/28/2012 Queen's Order of Courtesy (Kiena I)
Maria von Truix
09/09/2006 Award of Arms
§*Marian of Edwinstowe, called Old Marian
*Marian O'Liam
02/10/1990 Award of Arms
Marion Quyn
01/07/2012 Award of Arms
01/07/2012 Order of the Tourbadour
Marian Rose
04/02/2011 Tyger's Cub
*Mariana Christina
09/20/1986 Award of Arms
Mariane de la Tour
03/01/2008 Award of Arms
*Marianna Donofrey
04/14/1984 Award of Arms
Marianne de Lachevrotière
03/01/2008 Award of Arms
Marie d’Orleans
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
*Marie Jose de Champain
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
03/25/2000 Companion of Terpsichore
03/25/2000 Companion of the Troubadour
Marie MacPherson
05/10/2008 Award of Arms
*Marieke van de Dal
04/08/2000 Duchess
10/10/1987 Countess
10/10/1987 Lady of the Rose
04/06/1991 Mistress of the Laurel
01/25/1992 Mistress of the Pelican
08/18/1988 Companion of the Silver Crescent
01/28/1989 Companion of the Manche
12/05/1981 Award of Arms
10/15/1988 Queen's Order of Courtesy
05/18/1991 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
07/11/1992 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
10/26/2002 Augmentation of Arms
02/01/2003 Queen's Honor of Distinction
03/31/2000 Ordre du Pèlerin (Havre des Glaces)
10/30/2004 Tyger of the East
Marielle de Chalon
06/14/2003 Award of Arms
Marietta Angelica de Felice Antonio
04/11/1987 Award of Arms
11/02/1996 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
11/04/1989 Companion of the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Marietta Aurelia da Bari
11/07/1998 Award of Arms
07/10/2005 Companion of the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Marietta da Firenze
10/08/2005 Companion of the Silver Crescent
07/27/2002 Award of Arms
02/05/2005 Golden Tyger
*Mariette de Bretagne
11/23/2002 Award of Arms
*Mariette Cantrell
01/21/1989 Award of Arms
Marika of Carillion
11/17/2007 Companion of the Tygers Cub
Marika az Keves
01/16/1999 Award of Arms
Marina Francesca Giovanna de Caro
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Marion DeLora
02/25/2006 Award of Arms
*Marion Howard
02/29/1992 Award of Arms
*Marion ferch Llewelyn
01/20/1996 Companion of Terpsichore
11/21/1992 Award of Arms
02/04/1995 Companion of the Sable Bell (Carillion)
03/17/2012 Companion of the Sable Martlet (Iron Bog)
*Marion del Okes (was:
Marion of Oaken Glen)
07/18/2009 Mistress of the Pelican
02/21/2009 Grant of Arms
03/23/2002 Companion of the Golden Rapier
01/12/2008 Companion of the Silver Crescent
02/21/2009 Court Baroness
06/06/1998 Award of Arms
06/06/1998 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
09/11/2004 Queen's Order of Courtesy
09/26/2009 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
04/01/2006 King's Cypher (Darius III)
08/03/2008 Companion of the Sable Martlet (Iron Bog)
02/21/2009 Companion of the Silver Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
*Marion of Preston
12/08/1990 Award of Arms
10/21/1989 Companion of the Tygers Cub
Marion of York
09/11/2010 Grant of Arms
12/08/1990 Award of Arms
04/12/2008 Queen's Order of Courtesy
06/21/1996 Companion of the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
10/31/1998 Companion of the Seadog (Ostgardr)
Marion Quyn
01/07/2011 Award of Arms
*Mariot de Berwic
09/02/2007 Companion of the Millstone (Stonemarche)
*Mariot Carllein
08/17/2005 Companion of the Manche
02/10/1996 Award of Arms
11/04/2006 Companion of the White Oak (BBM)
Mariota Fitzgerald of Kildaire
04/26/2008 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Brenwen)
Mariota of Kildare - aka Moriah of Kildare
03/05/2011 Companion of the Silver Crescent
07/21/2001 Award of Arms
Marisa Merewood
01/19/1991 Award of Arms
Mariska of Ruantallan
11/27/2004 Award of Arms
*Marius Lugotorix Delenitor
12/10/1988 Award of Arms
Marius Lycaeus Germanicus
06/19/2004 Award of Arms
*Marius Phillipus Barbarus
03/26/1977 Award of Arms
*Marius del Raut
03/13/1982 Award of Arms
03/??/1981 Companion of the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Marjorie of Ruthiemurches
01/08/1977 Award of Arms
08/07/1976 Companion of the Salamander (Bhakail)
Mark of Concordia
05/24/2008 Award of Arms
05/24/2008 Companion of Terpsichore
Markesa de Carvalhal
01/15/2011 Award of Arms
*Mark Feuergeist
08/13/1992 Companion of the Tygers Combattant
Mark of Red Hand
06/16/2007 Award of Arms
06/02/2007 Companion of the White Oak (BBM)
Mark Squirrelsbane
04/21/2001 Master of the Pelican
04/13/1996 Companion of the Sagittarius
11/07/1998 Companion of the Silver Crescent
08/02/2009 Court Baron
07/08/1995 Award of Arms
10/24/2009 Queen's Order of Courtesy
01/30/2010 Kingdom Augmentation of Arms
09/15/2012 King's Cypher (Kenrick)
Mark Viere
08/08/2007 Award of Arms
04/10/2010 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Brenwen II)
Marlena of Felding
11/15/2003 Award of Arms
Marlene Smithyswife
01/31/2004 Award of Arms
11/29/2008 Companion of the Iceberg (Ruantallan)
*Marria Theresa LeCalm
07/19/1986 Award of Arms
Marrum Graham
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
Marsaili inghean an Ghobhainn
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
*Marsaili inghean Lachtnáin
10/11/2003 Award of Arms
*Marsaili ingheann Loughhaidh
12/08/2007 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
Marsha of Blackwood
07/02/2005 Award of Arms
11/25/2000 Companion of the Tygers Cub
Marta of Lindisfarne
07/01/2000 Award of Arms
09/30/2000 Queen's Cypher (Luna III)
Martha ingen ui Chleirigh
05/07/2011 Award of Arms
*Martha the Well-Loved
02/27/1982 Award of Arms
Martin l'Ange Lié
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
Martin of Bohemia
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
*Martin de Montriere sur Mer
08/12/1978 Award of Arms
*Martin Diaz
07/24/1999 Award of Arms
Martin Nutcrusher
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Martin Quicksilver
10/07/2000 Companion of the Golden Rapier
11/15/2003 Companion of the Manche
03/28/1998 Award of Arms
05/01/1999 Companion of Perseus (Carolingia)
Martin van der Rowe
06/13/1998 Award of Arms
Martin der Wasserpeier
04/18/2009 Award of Arms
Martine de Picardy
08/29/1998 Award of Arms
Mártoni Szarvas Kató
11/26/2005 Award of Arms
Martyn de Halliwell
09/29/2007 Award of Arms
Mary, called Mouse
03/20/1999 Companion of the Tygers Cub
Mary Ann MacGregor
10/27/2001 Award of Arms
Mary Caitlin MacCleod
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
Mary Elizabeth Ryan
06/30/2007 Award of Arms
*Mary Theophania Hunn
01/15/2005 Baroness of Carillion
03/23/2002 Companion of the Silver Crescent
09/21/2008 Court Baroness
11/21/1992 Award of Arms
01/26/1991 Order of the Sable Bell (Carillion)
02/04/1995 Companion of the Sable Bell (Carillion)
03/29/2008 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Gabriella)
*Mary of Montvale
07/25/1998 Award of Arms
Mary of the High Hills
07/17/1999 Award of Arms
*Mary Phillipa of Berwick
10/21/1989 Award of Arms
Mary Rua
12/14/2002 Award of Arms
Maryam Jules of the Dragon’s Trench
05/26/1996 Award of Arms
Maryatilda of Beldings Border
04/16/1977 Award of Arms
Mata a' Bheithir
03/29/2008 Award of Arms
*Matatias filius Lie Blunde
01/25/2003 Award of Arms
Matfei Andreyevich
09/12/1998 Companion of the Tygers Cub
*Mathew Underell de Warewic
05/03/2003 Award of Arms
Mathgamain gun Kava
09/16/1995 Award of Arms
*Mathgamain O'Brien
12/30/1995 Knight
01/02/1993 Companion of the Tygers Combattant
11/21/1998 Companion of the Silver Crescent
06/24/2000 Companion of the Golden Rapier
12/30/1989 Award of Arms
03/11/2000 Queen's Order of Courtesy
Mathias, formerly Erik
Mathias Eclipea-Blackhart D'Mer
09/26/1998 Grant of Arms
Mathias van der Meer
01/31/2004 Award of Arms
Mathias von Stauffenbach
11/22/2003 Award of Arms
*Mathilda von Lindenwald
10/19/1991 Award of Arms
*Mathilde Eschenbach
04/22/2006 Mistress of the Laurel
03/03/1990 Companion of the Manche
12/14/1996 Companion of Terpsichore
12/06/1986 Award of Arms
05/28/2005 Golden Tyger
05/03/2008 Golden Lyre
Mathurin Kerbouchard see Ragi Bjarnylr "Ragi warm
Matilda of Carolingia
02/03/2001 Award of Arms
03/06/2010 Companion of the Daystar (Carolingia)
Matilda of Fossoway
05/05/2012 Award of Arms
Matilde DeCadenet - was Natavia de Cadenet - aka Natavia Basia Rostropokova
11/22/2008 Grant of Arms
11/22/2008 Court Baroness
02/25/2006 Award of Arms
08/08/2012 Seamstress to the Princess Royale
Matsuyamaji no Mokurai
01/08/2000 Companion of the Silver Crescent
08/14/1996 Award of Arms
07/23/2005 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Geneviere II)
Matthew of BBM
04/21/2001 Companion of the Tygers Cub
Matthew Cameron de Buchanan
07/18/2009 Award of Arms
Matthew of Carillion
11/22/2008 Companion of the Tygers Cub
Matthew of Concordia
05/24/2003 Award of Arms
Matthew Fitzgerald
12/21/1985 Companion of the Tygers Cub
Matthew MacGyver
11/05/2011 Award of Arms
07/10/2010 Companion of Gawain
Matthew Marshall
11/14/1998 Award of Arms
Matthew Moraveous Avdenmork
08/11/2011 Grant of Arms
01/16/2010 Companion of the Tygers Combattant
04/02/2005 Award of Arms
08/11/2011 Court Barony
03/24/2007 Queen's Order of Courtesy
10/13/2012 King's Cypher (Kenrick I)
Matthew of Wiltshire
08/29/2009 Award of Arms
Matthias von Drachenfang
11/06/1999 Award of Arms
*Matthias Grunwold
11/19/2011 Order of the Tygers Combatant
07/14/2007 Award of Arms
09/25/2010 King's Cypher
Matthias Pogner Webel
07/22/2006 Award of Arms
Matthias Tiberius, the Weasel
07/04/1998 Award of Arms
*Matteo Alessandro Ulisse Rugieri
08/??/1995 Award of Arms
*Matteo Pesci
09/25/2005 Grant of Arms
09/25/2005 Companion of the White Scarf (AEthelmearc)
02/28/2009 Companion of the Golden Rapier
08/17/1999 Companion of the Golden Alce
07/10/2004 Companion of the Keystone
07/12/1986 Award of Arms
03/22/1986 Companion of the Pillar (Bridge)
Matthäus Plattnersohn (was: Matt
the Mail Maker)
02/14/2009 Master of the Laurel
07/15/2006 Companion of the Manche
09/27/1998 Award of Arms
Mawdlyn Atwater
11/26/2011 Award of Arms
*Maucolum de Duueglas
03/12/1994 Award of Arms
Maud of Dawnfield
02/10/1990 Award of Arms
*Maureen ha-Ivriah
07/08/1972 Countess
Maurin Lessault
09/22/2012 Companion of the Silver Crescent
06/19/2010 Companion of Terpsichore
06/11/2011 Burden Tyger - Lucan VIII and Jana V
06/23/2012 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Avelina)
Mayuki Yuri
07/14/2012 Award of Arms
Max Elgin Nacrobie
08/14/1996 Companion of the Manche
01/08/1994 Award of Arms
05/29/1999 Companion of the White Oak (BBM)
11/03/2007 Companion of the Holly (BBM)
Maximillian of Blak Rose
10/26/1991 Award of Arms
*Maximilian Delmonico
08/08/2007 Knight
07/26/2003 Companion of the Tygers Combattant
12/22/1996 Stag's Blood (Outlands)
09/21/1996 Award of Arms (Outlands)
Maximillian Abendroth
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
01/13/2007 Companion of the Tygers Cub
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Jana IV)
*Maximillian von Halstern
04/28/2001 Grant of Arms (Outlands)
04/28/2001 Court Baron (Outlands)
01/21/1989 Companion of the Tygers Combattant
01/21/1989 Award of Arms
09/27/2003 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Roxane II)
Maxton Gunn
07/15/2006 Companion of the Manche
01/26/2008 Companion of the Sagittarius
07/17/2004 Award of Arms
03/26/2005 Golden Tyger
Mayomi Saito
06/02/1996 Award of Arms
McMurdo the Tinker
09/13/1997 Award of Arms
Meabh am Fitcheach Dubh
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
Meadhbh ni hAilin
07/29/1995 Award of Arms
*Meadhbh Cnoc na Rea
04/03/1993 Companion of the Manche
11/02/1991 Award of Arms
09/18/1993 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
04/16/1994 Companion of the White Oak (BBM)
Meadhbh Eoghann
09/05/1998 Award of Arms
*Meadhbh ni Loingsigh
04/05/1997 Award of Arms
Meadhbh inghean MacGiollagain
02/23/2008 Award of Arms
*Meadhbh Ó Suileabhain
07/13/1996 Award of Arms
Meaghan of Silver Rhylle
05/09/1998 Award of Arms
*Meaghann Avice Dulon
11/22/1986 Award of Arms
Meara of Havre des Glaces: see Maire inghean ui Mheardha
02/09/2002 Award of Arms
01/20/2007 Companion of Terpsichore
Mebd na Lilidh
09/14/2002 Award of Arms
*Medb ingen Muiredaich
09/10/2005 Award of Arms
Mederic de Lancroix
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
*Medhbh o Armaigh
04/06/1982 Companion of the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Medhbh inghean Cheallaigh
10/01/2011 Grant of Arms
10/01/2011 Court Barony
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
06/23/2012 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Avelina)
10/13/2012 Queen's Cypher (Avelina)
Meg Sergavich
05/26/2002 Award of Arms
*Megan Douglas
10/19/1985 Award of Arms
*Megan Kyle
06/15/2002 Companion of the Silver Crescent
03/05/1994 Award of Arms
*Megan Laine
08/19/1989 Mistress of the Laurel
08/17/1996 Mistress of the Pelican
10/03/1987 Founding Baroness Stonemarche
05/16/1987 Companion of the Manche
01/25/1992 Companion of the Silver Crescent
06/14/2003 Court Baroness
11/01/1986 Award of Arms
04/06/1991 Queen's Order of Courtesy
02/10/1996 King’s Order of Excellence
06/14/2003 Augmentation of Arms
09/01/2003 Companion of the Millstone (Stonemarche)
Megan MacGowan
12/13/1997 Award of Arms
??/??/2005 Chiffre du Baron (Havre des Glaces)
*Megan O'Donnelly
11/21/1992 Award of Arms
*Megan of Westfield
11/08/1986 Award of Arms
Meggie inghean Lachlainn, see Marguerite ingen Lachlainn
*Meghan of Caer Graeme
09/22/1984 Award of Arms
Meghan O'Donnell
09/19/1993 Order of the Sable Bell (Carillion)
Meghan Fitzgerald
03/03/1990 Companion of the Manche
08/12/1992 Companion of the Silver Crescent
04/27/1985 Award of Arms
*Meghan MacIan of Loch Awe
02/28/1987 Companion of the Silver Crescent
07/03/1988 Companion of the Manche
04/24/1982 Award of Arms
01/15/1983 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
04/11/1987 Queen's Cypher (Sirillian)
*Meghan the Pitiful
12/30/1989 Award of Arms
§*Megitha of the Green Meadows
12/06/1981 Award of Arms
*Megwen ferch Rhys o Wynedd
03/26/1988 Award of Arms
Mei the Faire
06/21/2008 Award of Arms
Meitheamh O'Failain
02/24/2007 Award of Arms
Melanie of Endewearde
01/25/1992 Award of Arms
*Melanie de la Tour
08/14/2002 Award of Arms
Melchior Kriebel
01/22/2011 Order of the Silver Rapier
02/21/2009 Award of Arms
02/21/2009 Companion of the Sable Gauntlet (Iron Bog)
§*Melina Argente Chercheuse
06/05/1993 Companion of the Silver Crescent
10/26/1985 Award of Arms
12/??/1989 Companion of the Salamander (Bhakail)
Melina de la Berge
03/07/2009 Award of Arms
??/??/2010 Ordre du Pelerin (Havres des Glaces)
Melinda of Bristol
03/16/1996 Award of Arms
Melinda of the Weresheep
10/03/1992 Companion of the Silver Crescent
02/17/1990 Award of Arms
09/28/1991 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
10/09/1993 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
*Meliora Cnox
09/29/2007 Grant of Arms
09/29/2007 Court Baroness
08/16/2004 Award of Arms
09/24/2005 Queen's Order of Courtesy
03/26/2011 Seamstress to the Crown (Aikaterine II)
04/02/2011 Queen's Cypher (Aikaterine II)
04/02/2011 King's Cypher (Gryffith II)
03/24/2012 Queen's Cypher (Kiena I)
Meliora Coeur de Azure
06/16/1990 Award of Arms
*Melisande of the Gryphon Wood ("Plunder")
11/22/2008 Companion of the Manche
01/13/2001 Award of Arms
*Melisande of Hali
06/12/1976 Award of Arms
*Melisande de Palma
11/21/1992 Award of Arms
01/13/2001 Companion of the Troubadour
03/15/1986 Companion of the Bronze Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Melisande de Tours
03/12/1994 Award of Arms
Melisande de Turenne
02/05/2000 Award of Arms
*Melissa of Waldren
03/26/1994 Sigil of AEthelmearc
Melissande d'Iona
12/08/2001 Award of Arms
08/15/2005 Companion of the Troubadour
*Mellilah bint Yassar
09/26/1998 Award of Arms
Melodia Makepeace
10/18/2003 Award of Arms
*Melodia de Westbrok
07/22/2006 Award of Arms
Melodie de l'Ours Blanc MacNaughton
01/11/2003 Award of Arms
Melusine of Quintavia
02/04/2012 Award of Arms
Melwyn de Ferra
08/15/2003 Award of Arms
Menhard of Dragon Dormant
03/01/2008 Award of Arms
*Mercedes de Califia
07/26/2003 Mistress of the Pelican
08/12/2002 Grant of Arms
08/12/1998 Companion of the Golden Rapier
01/27/2001 Companion of the Silver Crescent
07/27/2002 Companion of the Manche
08/12/2002 Court Baroness
10/27/1984 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Isabella II)
09/11/2004 King's Cypher (Gaufred Kelson)
08/09/2007 Companion of the Iron Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Meredith de Witte, see Caitriona Bennett inghean Niall
Meredydd Brigid ferch Caradawc
09/17/1988 Award of Arms
Merelaine Kaerlist
09/20/1986 Award of Arms
*Merewyn del Grenewode
04/22/2006 Award of Arms
*Merewyn Harding
05/01/1988 Award of Arms
Merewyn MacQuarrie
06/04/1994 Award of Arms
Mergriet van Wijenhorst (was: de la
11/27/2004 Companion of the Manche
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
09/27/2008 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
*Meriadoc Annoeth of the Towers Fells
02/17/1990 Award of Arms
Merionfa y Gwynfydedig
07/16/1988 Award of Arms
*Merlynia of Rivenoak
09/20/1998 Mistress of the Laurel
03/18/1995 Baroness of Settmour Swamp
03/10/1990 Grant of Arms
08/17/1985 Companion of the Manche
03/10/1990 Court Baroness
04/04/1998 Companion of the Silver Crescent
01/03/1976 Award of Arms
03/18/1995 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
07/26/2003 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
03/19/1977 Companion of the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
03/26/1983 Companion of the Silver Tower (Swamp)
07/26/1986 Companion of the Ivory Tower (Swamp)
Merlynna of the Bryn Mawr
12/05/1981 Award of Arms
Merrick McCracken
07/27/2002 Award of Arms
Merrick of Winterbourne
04/28/2007 Award of Arms
06/05/2010 Companion of the Silver Rapier
04/01/2006 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Roxane III)
04/11/2009 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Alethea)
Meruit Kieransdottir of Dragon's Aerie
01/05/2008 Companion of the Sagittarius
06/04/2005 Award of Arms
Metal Smiths' Guild
04/14/2007 King's Cypher (Lucan VII)
04/14/2007 Queen's Cypher (Jana IV)
*Meuris of Antioch
08/??/1996 Award of Arms
Mevanou Arianrhod
12/11/2004 Award of Arms
Mhairi Brewbane
11/13/2010 Award of Arms
08/06/2011 Troubadour
Mhairi nic Coll
01/16/1999 Award of Arms
*Micaela Annunziata
01/24/1998 Award of Arms
Micaela of the Borough of Felding
10/03/1998 Award of Arms
Micah of Brighton Manor
01/29/2011 Companion of the Tyger's Combattant
07/14/2007 Award of Arms
*Michael Acrensis
01/29/2011 Order of the Silver Crescent
03/20/1999 Award of Arms
*Michael of the Amethyst
05/23/1992 Award of Arms
Michael of the Belt Pouch
01/05/1985 Award of Arms
*Michael Caithness
12/17/1983 Award of Arms
*Michael de Calais
07/06/2002 Companion of the Silver Crescent
06/12/1993 Award of Arms
02/01/2003 Queen's Honor of Distinction
02/01/1997 Companion of the Millstone (Stonemarche)
Michael Cliffson
02/10/1990 Award of Arms
Michael of Devonshire
09/30/2000 Award of Arms
Michael Drachewut
01/14/2006 Companion of the Manche
09/21/1996 Award of Arms
08/18/2005 Companion of the Ivory Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Michael Finn
09/30/1995 Award of Arms
Michael of House Bloodguard
10/03/2009 Award of Arms
Michael Longstrider
12/04/2010 Companion of the White Oak (BBM)
*Michael McGoun
10/15/2005 Award of Arms
*Michael Mac Ian
03/05/1988 Award of Arms
03/10/2001 Queen's Order of Courtesy
Michael McQuayde
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
Michael of Riversbend
02/10/1996 Award of Arms
09/30/1995 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
Michael Sevastos
09/17/1994 Award of Arms
Michael Stewart Graham
03/28/2009 Master of the Laurel
04/12/2003 Companion of the Manche
Michael of Stonemarche
04/11/1992 Companion of the Tygers Cub
Michael Wernsdorf
07/24/2004 Award of Arms
*Michael of Winterskeep
02/20/1982 Award of Arms
03/16/1984 Companion of the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Michael of York
01/18/1975 Knight
05/02/1992 Companion of the Manche
02/17/1990 Companion of the Moon (Carolingia)
10/12/1991 Companion of the Perseus (Carolingia)
Michaela of Clann O'Choda
06/21/2003 Award of Arms
*Michaela ní Duibhne Uí Bhardáin
09/13/1986 Award of Arms (Meridies)
10/22/1988 Meridian Cross (Meridies)
Michaela Hrelgarsdottir
12/11/2004 Companion of the Tygers Cub
*Michaela Rosana Mirandola
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
06/13/1987 Companion of the Tygers Cub
Michaelies Canus Bel Amnderon
12/13/1986 Companion of the White Oak (BBM)
*Michal Almond de Champagne
07/21/2001 Mistress of the Laurel
10/15/2005 Mistress of the Pelican
10/05/1996 Companion of the Silver Crescent
09/12/1998 Companion of the Manche
04/06/2002 Court Baroness
03/04/1995 Award of Arms
02/21/1998 Queen’s Order of Courtesy
04/04/1998 Queen's Cypher (Caitlin)
10/02/2004 King's Cypher (Gaufred Kelson)
04/14/2007 Queen's Cypher (Jana IV)
09/11/1993 Companion of the White Oak (BBM)
10/05/1996 Queen’s Honor of Distinction
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Jana IV)
12/05/1998 Freedom of the Bridge (Bridge)
*Michal of the Water
10/29/1988 Award of Arms
Michalene MacLain
09/01/2001 Baroness of Bergental
08/17/2005 Court Baroness
10/25/1997 Award of Arms
*Micheal Fledermus
04/03/1993 Companion of the Manche
02/20/1993 Companion of the White Oak (BBM)
*Micheal Mor O'Faolain
06/30/1990 Award of Arms
Micheal von Lubeck
03/26/2011 Award of Arms
*Micheil, Younger of An Alltan
05/30/1981 Companions of the Leaf of Merit (West)
09/13/1981 Award of Arms (West)
01/24/1982 Companion, Oerthan Order of Grace
12/27/1980 Companion Estoile (West)
*Michel l'Espiegle
08/15/2001 Master of the Pelican
08/12/1992 Companion of the Golden Rapier
12/16/2000 Companion of the Silver Crescent
08/18/1988 Award of Arms
Michel de Flambard
09/19/1992 Award of Arms
Michel de la Rivoi du Bois
01/23/1982 Companion of the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Michel Wolffauer
01/17/2009 Master of the Pelican
01/11/2003 Companion of the Silver Crescent
08/17/2005 Companion of the Manche
11/10/2001 Award of Arms
04/12/2003 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
12/15/2007 Order of the Horse (Bhakail)
Michele of Andoris
03/24/1979 Award of Arms
Michelle Ezzillini
04/28/1984 Award of Arms
Mickael Duquesne
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
Mickel von Salm, see *Anne Meckil von Salm
*Migel Gneuyle de Normandie
10/24/1987 Companion of the Silver Crescent
10/04/1980 Award of Arms (Middle)
08/15/1987 Queen's Order of Courtesy
10/04/1986 Companion of the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
10/16/1993 Companion of the Salamander (Bhakail)
03/10/2001 Companion of the Bronze Tower (Settmour Swamp)
Mihangel Caer Myrddin
01/25/2003 Award of Arms
Mikael Cruickshank
04/23/1994 Award of Arms
*Mikael McCue (“Kael”)
07/27/2002 Companion of the Silver Crescent
03/24/2007 Companion of the Manche
06/10/1995 Award of Arms
Mikael Thorkelson
08/11/2010 Award of Arms
*Mikhail Gregorievich of Kiev
10/19/1985 Award of Arms
05/25/1986 Freedom of the Bridge (Bridge)
*Mikhail Reubenovic Kopaczewski
03/22/1997 Companion of the Silver Crescent
01/21/1989 Award of Arms
Mikhaila Kerbouchard
06/14/1996 Award of Arms
09/28/2002 Queen's Cypher (Roxane)
Mikkel the Builder
11/08/2003 Award of Arms
11/23/2002 Companion of the Tygers Cub
Mikulaj von Meissen
10/03/2009 Award of Arms
Miles of Eisental
07/24/2004 Companion of the Tygers Cub
*Miles of Stanway
07/17/1999 Award of Arms
*Miles of Whitewood Hall
01/28/2006 Master of the Pelican
08/12/1998 Companion of the Silver Crescent
03/16/1996 Award of Arms
09/18/1999 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
09/16/2000 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
*Milesanda de Bourges
06/14/2003 Award of Arms
Milesha Vodnikova
10/25/2003 Award of Arms
Millicent Heath
09/28/2002 Award of Arms
Duchess Mina, see Zinoviia Mikulina
Mina Ain Al’Rahman of Dragon’s Bane
03/22/1997 Award of Arms
*Mina de Lis
03/25/2006 Award of Arms
01/15/2005 Companion of the Troubadour
Mina DiPasquale
04/02/2011 Award of Arms
Minna Gantz, wife of Warren
01/16/1999 Award of Arms
*Minna of Tintagel
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
Miquel d'Avinhon
11/07/2009 Award of Arms
Mira Foxrun
07/03/1999 Award of Arms
*Mirabel Belchere
05/25/2002 Mistress of the Laurel
02/21/1998 Companion of the Manche
01/13/1996 Award of Arms
04/08/2000 Queen's Cypher (Marieke II)
02/01/2003 Queen's Honor of Distinction
01/07/1995 Award of Arms
Miranda Fitzgerald
12/21/1985 Companion of the Tygers Cub
*Miranda Flamekeeper
05/04/1991 Award of Arms
05/04/1991 Companion of the Troubadour
Miranda of Ruantallan
08/10/2011 Award of Arms
*Mirella Rieti
04/23/1988 Award of Arms
12/??/1988 Companion of the Salamander (Bhakail)
Miron d'Allaines-sur-Comte
01/06/2007 Companion of the Tygers Cub
Miryha na Halla Lan
03/15/1986 Award of Arms
*Miscell of Lyonesse
04/28/1984 Founding Baroness Starkhafn (Caid)
06/01/1985 Court Baroness (Caid)
09/04/1982 Award of Arms (Caid)
Mistral de Tramecourt
10/01/1988 Award of Arms
*Mitchell MacBain
08/18/1995 Knight
03/28/2009 Master of the Pelican
01/13/1990 Grant of Arms
10/06/1990 Companion of the Silver Crescent
10/09/1993 Companion of the Tygers Combattant
01/13/1990 Court Baron
07/26/1986 Award of Arms
01/05/1991 Queen's Order of Courtesy
10/06/1990 Queen's Cypher (Bronwyn)
09/28/2002 King's Cypher (Darius)
03/28/1987 Companion of the Bronze Tower (Swamp)
05/26/2002 Companion of the Silver Tower (Swamp)
03/20/2004 Companion of the Iron Tower (Swamp)
Mitchell mac Ian of Clan Mitchell, see *Michael Mac Ian
Mitchell McClaw
04/13/1991 Award of Arms
Mithgiladun the Herald
09/17/1988 Award of Arms
01/26/1991 Companion of the Sable Bell (Carillion)
Mithis Volseug
01/26/2008 Award of Arms
Mithradates Tarius Britannicus
05/04/2002 Award of Arms
Mitsuin Neko-ashi ("Mackenzie")
01/28/2006 Companion of the Tygers Cub
*Mjothvitnir the Large
11/28/1981 Award of Arms
Moi the Moldavian
09/18/2010 Award of Arms
*Moira Fennor of Argyll
01/31/2009 Mistress of the Laurel
07/20/2002 Companion of the Manche
11/16/1996 Court Baroness (Atlantia)
12/03/1994 Companion of the Pearl (Atlantia)
03/11/1989 Companion of the Sable Thistle (Ansteorra)
03/11/1989 Award of Arms (Ansteorra)
*Moira Hawthorne
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
*Moira MacDonald of Dunskahay
02/27/2005 Companion of the Silver Crescent
11/06/1999 Award of Arms
Moire of Darostur
07/10/2010 Award of Arms
*Moire nic Greagair
03/29/2003 Companion of the Silver Crescent
07/26/1997 Award of Arms
03/16/2002 Companion of the Seadog (Ostgardr)
Mol Valdinsky
06/11/2011 Ordre du Pelerin (Havre des Glaces)
06/11/2011 Chiffre du Baron (Havre des Glaces)
06/11/2011 Chiffre du Baron (Havre des Glaces)
Molly [of Settmour Swamp]
04/03/2004 Award of Arms
Molly Blythe
06/20/2009 Companion of the Silver Crescent
*Molly inghean ui Raighallaigh
07/24/2004 Companion of the Silver Crescent
06/06/1998 Award of Arms
12/08/2007 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
02/17/2007 Companion of the Silver Martlet (Iron Bog)
05/30/2008 Companion of the Sable Compass (Iron Bog)
Molly Schofield
04/11/2009 Grant of Arms
10/03/2009 Companion of the Silver Crescent
04/11/2009 Court Baroness
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
Mongo Chinua
09/09/2006 Award of Arms
07/19/2008 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
Montague Harcourt de Pomeroy
09/07/1996 Award of Arms
Moose Guard
09/07/1996 Companion of the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
*Mor ni Dhonnchaidh
06/24/1989 Companion of the Silver Crescent
09/12/1987 Award of Arms
Mor of House Ostrov
11/22/2008 Award of Arms
Morag ni Folidas
05/29/1999 Award of Arms
*Morag MacPharlain
01/04/1986 Grant of Arms
04/11/1987 Companion of the Silver Crescent
*Mord Hrutson the Green
04/03/1993 Knight
01/14/2006 Master of the Laurel
11/12/1988 Companion of the Tygers Combattant
07/27/1996 Companion of the Manche
07/18/2009 Companion of the Silver Crescent
07/25/1998 Court Baron
06/01/1985 Award of Arms
03/21/1992 Queen's Order of Courtesy
01/02/1993 Companion of the Troubadour
09/24/2005 Foreign Tyger
Mordecai Drummond
06/03/2000 Award of Arms
Mordecai of Ty Llanberis
05/??/1980 Companion of the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Mordred Celt
03/15/1980 Award of Arms
Mordred McCarthy
01/27/2007 Award of Arms
05/28/2011 Order of the Fountain (Bergental)
*Mordred Mjothvitner
08/19/1989 Knight
01/09/1982 Companion of the Manche
10/08/1983 Companion of the Silver Crescent
03/05/1988 Companion of the Tygers Combattant
06/14/1980 Award of Arms
10/??/1982 Companion of the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
Mordred Watson, see *Arthur Watson
Moresca of An Dubhaigeainn
07/22/2006 Award of Arms
Moreta att Birchwode
07/06/2002 Companion of the Silver Crescent
07/02/1995 Award of Arms
Morg of Northumbria
01/10/1998 Award of Arms
Morgaine de Beaumont
04/14/2007 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Jana IV)
Morgaine ferch Cadwr
02/21/1998 Mistress of the Laurel
12/10/1994 Companion of the Golden Rapier
10/05/1996 Companion of the Manche
07/06/1991 Award of Arms
10/05/1996 King’s Cypher (Bjorn)
05/02/1993 Companion of the Daystar (Carolingia)
02/25/1995 Companion of the Moon (Carolingia)
06/17/1995 Companion of Perseus (Carolingia)
*Morgaine á Bheithir
03/12/1994 Award of Arms
06/06/1998 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
03/23/2002 Companion of Terpsichore
10/23/1988 Companion of the Bronze Tower (Settmour Swamp)
03/18/2000 Companion of the Bronze Tower (Settmour Swamp)
05/25/2008 Companion of the Silver Tower (Settmour Swamp)
*Morgaine Lynn
07/27/1996 Award of Arms
Morgaine of Skye
11/25/2000 Companion of the Tygers Cub
*Morgan Arianblaidd, see Ailis inghean Muirgen
*Morgan Charbonneau
07/01/1989 Award of Arms
Morgan de l'Ile du Dragon Dormant
10/14/2006 Award of Arms
*Morgan Deorcwulf
09/07/1991 Award of Arms
03/24/2012 King's Cypher (Gregor III)
Morgan of Elladan
01/15/1983 Award of Arms
*Morgan Faraday
07/16/2005 Award of Arms
*Morgan FitzGerald
02/06/1988 Companion of the Manche
04/27/1985 Award of Arms
Morgan Four Farthing
09/07/1991 Award of Arms
Morgan Gil Liunmir
08/16/1989 Award of Arms
Morgan Hawkwind
11/25/2000 Award of Arms
*Morgan MacDougal
05/27/1995 Award of Arms
Morgan MacGowan, see Al-Faris
Mohammad Sevim Oglu Gowan Oglu
*Morgan MacLean
01/10/1981 Award of Arms
*Morgan MacLeod
04/11/1987 Mistress of the Pelican
10/08/1983 Grant of Arms
08/17/1984 Companion of the Silver Crescent
10/08/1983 Court Baroness
04/24/1982 Award of Arms
01/15/1983 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
Morgan of Malagentia
07/11/2009 Award of Arms
Morgan O'Laithlann
02/14/1998 Award of Arms
Morgan Pferdzuchter, called Anwen
01/10/1981 Companion of the Manche
*Morgan ap Rhys ap Bran
03/09/2002 Master of the Pelican
09/11/1999 Grant of Arms
09/11/1999 Court Baron
08/18/2000 Companion of the Silver Crescent
09/07/1996 Award of Arms
04/03/2004 Queen's Order of Courtesy
09/30/2000 Queen's Cypher (Luna III)
09/29/2001 King's Cypher (Hanse III)
09/27/2003 Queen's Cypher (Roxane II)
04/??/2002 Companion of the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Morgan of Surrey
05/09/1987 Award of Arms
*Morgan de Villarquamada, see *Adhemar de Villarquemada
*Morgana Devereux
12/28/1991 Companion of the Manche
05/27/1989 Award of Arms
09/28/1996 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
Morgana Eressea
04/10/1982 Baroness of Beyond the Mountain (retired)
09/15/1973 Award of Arms
Morgana Filla Draconia
01/23/1999 Award of Arms
Morgana the Missing
01/03/2004 Award of Arms
Morgana O’Seanasaigh
07/18/1998 Award of Arms
Morganna de Londres of Griffin Tower
07/27/1996 Award of Arms
*Morgen Duvall
10/05/1996 Countess
11/02/1991 Mistress of the Laurel
10/05/1996 Lady of the Rose
01/05/1991 Grant of Arms
01/07/1984 Companion of the Manche
09/22/2001 Companion of the Silver Crescent
01/05/1991 Court Baroness
03/27/1982 Award of Arms
04/03/1993 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
09/24/1994 Queen’s Order of Courtesy
10/01/1994 Queen’s Cypher (Jana)
06/11/2011 Burden Tyger - Lucan VIII and Jana V
08/??/1990 Companion of the Pillar (Bridge)
11/04/2006 Companion of the Sun and Soil (BBM)
*Morgiane de Provence
04/19/1980 Mistress of the Pelican
07/10/1976 Founding Baroness Bridge
01/10/1976 Companion of the Silver Crescent
04/20/1974 Award of Arms
10/06/1979 Companion of the Troubadour
07/27/1981 Companion of the Pillar (Bridge)
Morgoth the Suicidal
04/14/2007 Award of Arms
Mori Matsunomae
11/05/2005 Award of Arms
02/18/2006 Companion of the Opal (Atlantia)
02/18/2006 Order of the Silver Crocus (Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia)
08/18/2006 Order of the Silver Chalice (Barony of Black Diamond, Atlantia)
Mori Nagahide
08/14/2002 Award of Arms
*Moriagh Teige O'Flaithbheartaigh
09/28/1985 Award of Arms
04/17/1982 Award of Arms
Moriah of Kildare - See Mariota of Kildare
07/21/2001 Award of Arms
Morrigan DeWinter see *Cassandra la Sable
Morty of Malagentia
07/12/2008 Award of Arms
07/11/2009 Companion of the Silver Rapier
Moruadh of An Tir Caillte
09/25/1999 Duchess
09/27/1997 Countess
09/27/1997 Lady of the Rose
09/16/2000 Companion of the Manche
12/07/1996 Award of Arms
*Morwenna Durward
10/23/1981 Award of Arms
04/11/1987 Companion of the Troubadour
01/??/1986 Companion of the Yale (Dragonship Haven)
*Morwenna Westerne
02/08/2003 Mistress of the Laurel
09/12/1998 Companion of the Manche
12/10/1994 Award of Arms
01/05/2002 King's Order of Excellence
12/19/1998 Companion of the Moon (Carolingia)
05/02/2004 Companion of the Daystar (Carolingia)
*Morwydd Fyngwen
11/12/1983 Founding Baroness Concordia of the Snows
*Morwyn Edain
06/25/1988 Award of Arms
12/14/2002 Queen's Order of Courtesy
Morwyn ferch Gruffyd, see *Aleksei Dmitriev
*Morwynna Cryw
04/09/1994 Mistress of the Laurel
04/04/1992 Companion of the Manche
09/18/1999 Companion of the Silver Crescent
02/03/2001 Court Baroness
01/13/1990 Award of Arms
08/12/1992 Companion of the Troubadour
??/??/1995 Companion of the Seahorse (Ostgardr)
04/21/2001 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Isabella)
§*Moses ben Eldad
11/01/1975 Award of Arms
09/10/1983 Companion of the Troubadour
08/03/1981 Companion of the Pillar (Bridge)
*Moshe Pantera del Fuego Negro
03/06/1982 Award of Arms
*Motogoshi Sumiko
12/19/1981 Award of Arms
Mourn Faen-Tlabbar
01/15/2011 Award of Arms
Muchad Coleman
04/12/1997 Award of Arms
Mugur Vladinsky
06/11/2011 Chiffre du Baron (Havre des Glaces)
Muighean Hewitt
11/30/2002 Award of Arms
*Muin maqq Minain
05/25/1997 Grant of Arms (Atlantia)
05/25/1997 Companion of the Pearl (Atlantia)
09/28/1996 Award of Arms (Atlantia)
*Muirdeach of Carrigart
01/05/1991 Knight
11/09/1991 Baron of An Dubhaigeainn
01/13/1990 Companion of the Tygers Combattant
01/26/2002 Court Baron
05/21/1988 Award of Arms
02/17/2007 Silver Feather (An Dubhaigeainn)
Muirdoch McNeil of House Blackwood
05/01/2004 Award of Arms
Muireadhach of Mucky Heath
03/26/1988 Award of Arms
11/07/1987 Companion of the White Oak (BBM)
*Muiredach O’Siadhail
10/05/1996 Companion of the Manche
06/23/1990 Award of Arms (Middle)
03/02/1996 Queen’s Order of Courtesy
10/05/1996 King’s Cypher (Bjorn)
Muirenn Echluath ingen airt
05/30/1999 Award of Arms
09/30/2006 Queen's Honor of Distinction (Anna II)
Muirghen Mawr
05/23/1998 Award of Arms
Muirghiall Macleod
11/08/1997 Award of Arms
04/11/2009 Queen's Cypher (Alethea)
Muirne ni Cormaic
01/08/2005 Mistress of the Pelican
06/03/2000 Companion of the Silver Crescent
09/01/2001 Companion of the Manche
02/05/2000 Award of Arms
09/30/2006 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
04/11/1992 Companion of the White Oak (BBM)
11/07/2009 Companion of the Holly (BBM)
Muirrin Camshronach an Lochabair
03/27/1999 Award of Arms (An Tir)
Mulle y Gwerrunadd
07/26/1980 Award of Arms
Mullen McHaley
11/30/2002 Golden Lyre
Munemasa Kosempu
01/13/1990 Award of Arms
03/12/1994 King's Order of Excellence
Munenaga Soiichiro, see *Baltasar Mondragon
§Murad al-ben Muhammed ibn Hakim
06/13/1971 Count
07/26/1970 Knight
*Muriel de Chimay
07/26/2003 Mistress of the Laurel
01/27/2001 Companion of the Manche
09/05/1998 Award of Arms
Muriel Kerbouchard
09/04/1999 Award of Arms
Murin ni Clerigh
05/28/2006 Award of Arms
Murron McHaley
03/25/2000 Award of Arms
07/20/2002 Golden Lyre
03/22/2003 Golden Lyre
10/26/2002 Ordre de Mai (Havre des Glaces)
Murshida bint Safia al Andalusi
05/24/2003 Mistress of the Laurel
02/03/2001 Companion of the Manche
11/07/1998 Award of Arms
01/03/2004 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
03/07/1998 Companion of the Fountain (Bergental)
*Murtagh MacKenzie
02/10/1996 Award of Arms
Musano Miamusu
07/20/2002 Award of Arms
*Mustapha al-Muhaddith ibn al-Saqaat
10/15/1988 Award of Arms
??/??/1993 Companion of the Daystar (Carolingia)
Mutsura Ishikago no Ishido
10/30/2004 Knight
04/08/2000 Court Baron
03/22/2003 Companion of the Tygers Combattant
01/15/2000 Companion of the Burdened Tyger
*Mwynwen in le Willewys
06/08/2002 Award of Arms
Mychel Hebenstreit
09/23/2006 Award of Arms
*Mylisant Grey
01/08/2005 Grant of Arms
05/28/2006 Companion of the Manche
01/08/2005 Court Baroness
07/21/2001 Award of Arms
04/02/2005 King's Cypher (Thorson)
Myndroh Hibernius
02/08/2003 Award of Arms
*Myrddin o'r Afon
01/23/1999 Companion of the Silver Crescent
07/23/1989 Award of Arms
10/05/1996 Queen’s Order of Courtesy
09/27/1997 King’s Cypher (Hanse)
12.08/1990 Companion of the White Oak (BBM)
*Myrddin ap Elspeth
11/08/1986 Award of Arms
Myree by the River
04/08/1995 Award of Arms
09/30/1995 Queen’s Cypher (Gabrielle)
Myrielle of Canterbury
07/28/2001 Award of Arms
Myrok of the Open Hand, of the Great Dark Horde
04/12/2003 Award of Arms
*Myron Duxippus Draco
05/07/1988 Award of Arms
05/07/1988 Queen's Order of Courtesy
Myrrdin bok Amwin
09/07/1991 Award of Arms
Myrwyn of Dragon Dormant
01/13/1996 Award of Arms
Mytoy Jester of House Stormhammer
08/17/2005 Award of Arms